Make Sure Your Panel Discussion Includes Some DISCUSSION

When running a panel discussion, it's usually a good idea to have some DISCUSSION. If you are a moderator, you need to constantly be looking for ways to keep the audience interested. Try to listen to your speakers with the ears of an uninitiated audience member: What context does the audience need? What about the topic is most interesting to the audience?

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Instead of thinking of your adult audience members in your presentation as “students”, you should think of them as “participants”. Instead of thinking of yourself as a “teacher”, think of yourself as a “facilitator”. Your job is to draw out your participants' expertise and interest by establishing an environment that invites their ideas, opinions, and experiences.

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Building Bridges: Your Approach to Your Audience

Your approach to your audience can have many shapes, but in general it will fall into one of three types: concave, convex, or somewhere in-between. The one that works best for you can depend on many factors: your subject matter, your audience, and where you feel most comfortable.

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